Nuclear Assault- Third World Genocide [Scraeming Ferret Wreckords; 2005]

Ok, I’ll be honest with you- writing this review was really difficult for me. From one hand- I’m a maniacal Nuclear Assault fan. But I also have to admit- it’s propably their worse album. But is Third World Genocide THAT bad? No, but it’s really far from their previous CDs.
Let’s start from the best part about Nuke’s comeback. Guitar works. We got plenty f good riffs here ( Exoskeletal, Living Hell), solo in Price Of Freedom kicks ass (I’m talking about that first, acoustin part. Reminds a bit Trail Of Tears from classical times). This album really got it’s moments- I even liked the joke-song (Long Haired Assholed, re-recorded here, first version of this country composition was published on John’s solo album).
Now the bad things. Ok, at first- let’s admit it: nobody’s getting younger. John voice isn’t that high and strong as years ago. Band lose their agression and anger- it’s still “ok” material, but it’s not a powerful attack as it was for example on “Handle With Care”. What’s more- it’s not the matter of songs, but the way how they are played- imagine for example “Defilied Innocence” played much more aggresive- come on, it;s a really good material.
So finally, how to conclude Third World Order- it’s located somewhere in the middle. Album is far from being good- totally lack of agression, the spirit that gave that band so much power flew away years ago, propably after “Handle”, but “Something Wicked” still had its moments. But latest (so far) Nuclear album isn’t also bad- good riffs, nice solos. And finally- we got it. NA came back. Even if they’re far from their best form- we still can have a hope, that one day old, agressive spirit will possess that band again.

Wojciech Michalak

Poprawiony (niedziela, 07 września 2014 10:19)