Wehrmacht- Biermacht [New Renaissance Records; 1988]

Crossover classic ! Biermacht is one of the best known albums from that genre, and that shouldn’t been a surprise to anyone-  from one hand we’ve got here almost encyclopedic definition of term “crossover thrash”, and from the other hand- record which is full of party atmosphere, fast riffing and brutality. A masterpiece.
First of all- Biermacht shows how band went more mature- even if it’s still simple, violent thrashcore- it’s much better composed than Shark Attack. Everything also goes with much better sound- that album is a big step forward in every possible direction. Of course Wehrmacht still shows how close they are to their punk roots- even with great metal solos and more advanced compositions, they’re still have that characteristic punky atmosphere and attitude.  The best proof here will be 3-4 second joke-songs that we can find in that album. New thing here is also fact, that blastbeats appeared, which made everything more aggressive.
So, to conclude- we’ve got here a dangerous mix ! Thrash’s savage agression mixed with much higher skill than on previous album and a lot of punk influences. That’s why that album is a total classic right now. Even Napalm Death took inspiration from it and covered  Night Of Pain. What more can I say? A milestone in crossover history

Wojciech Michalak