SZRON Frost eternal cd 2020(Under The Sign Of Garazel )


Under The Sign O Garazel  quality. UTSOG= good, straightforward yet original bands, plain and simple. Candidly, with age, I have developed a taste for a more complex approach to albums/demos/compilations I listen to….I mean the music itself started to be just one of the elements which, when all piled up together, and applied in proper dosesand of proper texture, constitute a whole “picture” of a release, both sonic and visual;in other words, of what a particular artist had in mind at the time they worked on theirparticular recording. In hindsight, some bands, of course, did it quite well, some other failed to deliver the proper result. No need to worry here, sincein the case of SZRON`s Frost Eternal, we have been provided with all the elements that a good demo ought to feature. The logo, the band photos, the layout and finally the music compose what we call an amazing “completeness” of a black metal release. Each and every element matches the others, enhancing, in result, the final vibe... if you haven’t heard of SZRON in the past, well, let me tell you that you`ll be exposed to a solid dose of menacing, cold, heavilyDARKTHRONE-inspired black metal of utmost quality…it is so cold, evil and relentless. Mean and vile to the bone. This is actually their second demo from 2010, and I must say I prefer this stuff to their full length from the same year (Zeal). A mandatory purchase and a must-have. 

Paweł Wojtowicz 

Poprawiony (piątek, 31 lipca 2020 06:48)