HELL TREPANNER Macabre smell of rot compilation cd 2020 (Fallen Temple)


Nice, filthy and bulldozing death metal from Peru here, ladies and gentlemen! It is very stenchy, this Macabre Smell of Rot and it surely reminds me a lot of what DM used to be back in the day, in the early 90s,I mean. I would boldly claimtheir style isn’t that South America`ish, but rather peculiar to what was going on farther north, in the USA, precisely speaking.…The sound is very underground yet clear; perfect for this kind of “sonic, hatred-filled form of expression”. Undeniably, best part are the vocals: evil, inhuman, putrid and bad to the bone. Love`em!!! This album is quite fast, aggressive and massive, and has a nice, very powerful feeling to it. Bass pleasantlystrengthens what the guitars destroy…can hear some minute, oldMORBID ANGEL influences here and there and that’s awesome, really coz there is never enough of old MA in my opinion. Well, you can’t go wrong if you get HELL TREPANNER, no doubt about it!!!

Paweł Wojtowicz