TRUPI SWĄD- Nekromancja MC Destruktion Rec 2022



It doesn’t surprise anyone, these days, that our bands are being released by WESTERN labels…and these labels don’t give a flying fuck whether our bands sing in Polish and English.

 Like SEXMAG who “possessed” a certain German label or TRUPI SWAD. 

Yes, the Polish language don’t matter anymore, what does count is the emotions and energy it conveys. 

It was much more difficult in the past, you know, to get noticed abroad if a band`s lyrics were written and sung in Polish or if the band used the English language the wrong way, that is, struggling to pronounce words correctly and thus singing the learnt-by-heart lyrics without proper intonation and pitch. 

But all that`s been just buried deep in the past. 

Myself, I do like bands who use their native language to praise THE HORNED GENTEMAN. TRUPI SWAD was spawned back in 2019 as a one-man band led by Nikki Speed. “Necromancja” is band`s third release and despite the fact this is a young band, I can tell these sounds have plenty of potential. The music itself is a melting pot full of black/thrash and antichrist lyrics…. a truly explosive blend, if you ask me. Indeed, this music has plenty of youthful rebellion and wrath – these make this demo really noble and a nice listen too.
